more fundraiser money makes it’s way into communities
As a consequence of the awe-inspiring response to our fundraising campaign, ( click here to get to page) we are able to get on the road with much needed supplies:
After providing a first round of blankets to the Mutitjulu artists, Maruku staff today are in Docker River droping off blankets and painting materials and are meeting some of our artists from Warukurna on the WA border.
Maruku team packing up for the trip to the WA border and Docker River to deliver blankets and art materials and to pick up art works for Desert Mob from WA artists.
Our crew meets the Warukurna artists on the WA border to handover blankets for Warukurna artists and pick up exhibition artworks.
Senior artists Roy Yaltjanki, Tjukupati James, Beverly Edimintja and Arnold Teamay join Maruku directors Pantjiti McKenzie OAM and Selina Kulitja receiving donated blankets dropped off in Docker River today.
More will be on the way soon.
Thank you very much to everyone who donated to our Fundraiser page. Your contribution helps a lot and is very much appreciated.
The Maruku Artists and staff