Danny Fox
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Danny Fox is wati Anangu, an Aboriginal man from the Western Desert area of Australia. He is based in Kalka (Anangu Pitjantjatjarra Yankunytjara Lands, SA) and Wingellina (Ngaanyatjarra Lands, WA) which are located in the far eastern side of Western Australia on the Tri- State border. He comes from a long carving tradition and is an enthusiastic musician. Danny’s father is Albert Fox and his mother is Yangi Yangi Fox, who are both senior leaders, Maruku Arts Directors and esteemed carvers. Danny spent a lot of time as a child at Malara homelands near Pipalyatjara with his grandmother Niningka Lewis who is a prolific artist in punu-making, ceramics and painting. Danny has many Senior Law Men as mentors who are passing the sacred men’s designs, tjukurpa and knowledge of punu (wood carving) to him.